Red Irwin, owner and operator of Hooterville Airport in western DeWitt County, rose to the executive level of Gulf Oil after he traded his days as a bold pilot for life as an old pilot.
Once again, John Warner’s collection of memorabilia from the time brought the exhibit and story to life. Photographs, items from Red’s “Ready Room” preserved by Warner at Hooterville and, most importantly, the stories Red shared with John, were invaluable resources. As curators, we had access to the small unique items, like the tickets sold for “Red’s Flying Circus.” For $2.50, the stunt pilot took his
neighbors on the stomach-churning spins long since been barred by the FAA. It’s gratifying to know that the Hooterville Airport story will be available for readers in Prairie Flyers of Central Illinois: A Century of Aviation in America’s Heartland.
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